

Presentation to


Presentation to "ACI/ Canmet Conference" Prague, October 2012

Performance Evidences

of jacketing with


Presentation of the Paper

"Shear Strengthening of

RC beams with High

Performance Jacket"

in "ACI/ Canmet Conference"

Prague, October 2012

Report Prove di Carico su Cordolo di Soletta, Università Tor Vergata Roma, 29 October 2012


Report Prove di Carico su Cordolo di Soletta, Università Tor Vergata Roma, 29 October 2012

Paper showed to the 

“3rd Workshop on The New Boundaries

of Structural Concrete”

October 3 - 4, 2013 -

University of Bergamo

ACI - American Concrete Institute - Italy Chapter

Experimental Behaviour on

Shear Strengthened Masonry Panels

Relazione Cordoli in Cls Fibrorinforzato in Solette da Ponte, AICAP Bergamo - Maggio 2014


Relazione Cordoli in Cls Fibrorinforzato in Solette da Ponte, AICAP Bergamo - Maggio 2014

Paper showed to the 

“3rd Workshop on The New Boundaries

of Structural Concrete”

October 3 - 4, 2013 -

University of Bergamo

ACI - American Concrete Institute - Italy Chapter

Experimental Behaviour on

Shear Strengthened Masonry Panels

REFOR-tec Scuola di Zagarolo Newsletter


REFOR-tec Scuola di Zagarolo Newsletter



DUCTILE MICROCONCRETES with High Fracture Energy and reaching fast or very fast Structural Performance

HPFRC - High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concretes

UHPFRCC - Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites 

Publication in the U.S.A. on I.C.R.I review – International Concrete Repair Institute of the Project, Sperimetation and Execution for the Structural Reinforcement and Seismic Retrofitting of School Building in Zagarolo (Rome)






Publication in the U.S.A.

on I.C.R.I review

- International Concrete Repair Institute -

of the Project, Sperimentation

and Execution for the

Structural Reinforcement

and Seismic Retrofitting

of School Building

in Zagarolo (Rome). 

Article “High-Performance

Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Jacketing in a Seismic

Retrofitting Application”